Explanation of the Craziness…

No, I’m not blogging from the point of view of a moose. I’m just not being all willy-nilly with my identity on the big, scary world wide web. So my lovable piece of cardboard taxidermy will just provide that small bit of identity all readers crave, even if my only reader ends up being my art professor for who’s assignments I started this blog. Just to give you some background on Winston, more formally known as Count Winston Rothschild IV:

– He resides on the wall over the TV in the living room of my apartment.

– He is also notoriously slick with the ladies. One will usually see Winston with a lacy bra haphazardly flung over an antler.


So yes, Mazel Tov! I suppose this is the ceremonial post analogous to breaking a bottle of champagne on the side of a ship on its maiden voyage. Except with a lot less to celebrate.

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