Logos- in color!

So the assignment for today involves corporate logos that utilize effective design with color. Here’s what I came up with: 

1. Tide 

This logo incorporates primary colors and concentric circles to give the design an almost vintage-y feel. The ascending baseline for each letter gives the logo a sense of movement. While the design is very simple, it’s distinctive enough for me to remember it from design classes I’ve taken in the past. 



2. BP

While BP is not exactly the most popular of the big oil companies (not that any of them are popular), they still have a darn effective logo. I distinctly remember sitting in the passenger seat of my dad’s car in late 2001 and seeing the new BP flower on one of the local gas stations. Considering that I was an 11-year-old kid at the time, my reaction was “Ooh! Look at the pretty colors!” But even now, following the gulf oil spill in 2010, I still can’t manage to shake the positive association I have with this logo. 


Anheuser & Busch 3. Anheuser & Busch

In downtown Saint Louis there is a huge light-up billboard along one of the major highways that portrays the A&B eagle flying through a capital “A”. This logo has reached an iconic status because of its Americana themes and the fact that it’s been around practically for forever (1872, to be exact.) In the central midwest, it’s an overall symbol for beer. I honestly thought that all beer was Budweiser  until after I was 10 years old. The bold primary colors and distinctive serif on the font make this logo memorable. 

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